Ates Kuslari, also known as “Birds of Fire”, is a Turkish drama series that premiered on TV8 in 2017. The series was directed by Serdar Akar and produced by Ay Yapim. The show revolves around the life of two brothers, Kuzey and Guney, who have completely different personalities. Kuzey is rebellious and a troublemaker, while Guney is calm and mature. Despite their differences, they share a strong bond. This page contains Ates Kuslari (Firebirds), all episodes with Urdu, English, Bangla and Arabic subtitles with HD quality. It is the story of five street children who call themselves “Rootless”; The Firebirds, the oldest of which is 13, the youngest is 6 years old, one girl and one autistic, five street children who find a forty-day-old baby in a garbage dump and tell how they turned from “Rootless” to “Firebirds”; will cover the stories of children resisting hardship, pain and fate against all odds.